I Hate Bureaucracy
There hasn’t been any spam lately, alas I cannot continue posting the excellent content they provide. Instead, I’m going to rant about the bullshit bureaucratics that I’m sure everyone experiences when working within a sufficiently large organization.
I’m a stupid loudmouth who doesn’t know when to keep his trap shut, so my typical philosophy is to make sure people know that I think they’re doing their job incorrectly when their actions prevent me from fulfilling my tasks. I think I end up stepping on a lot of toes (thankfully I haven’t stepped too hard so far), but I know one of these days I’m going to fuck up royally and step on the wrong person.
The problem is, everyone has their own ideas about how things should be done. I’m a “just fucking get it working and be done with it” person who really could give a shit about going through the proper channels. For the projects they’ve been giving me (shit no one else really wants to do that’s been sitting on the backburner and needs to get done) my methods work fairly well. But one of the projects I’m currently assigned to is a new development thing currently in the planning stages; actual prototyping won’t even start before September.
It’s frustrating as hell, because we’re sitting at a table discussing all the “should-be”, “should-do” and “should-have”s, and honestly I had to restrain myself from saying stupid shit like “that’s a terrible idea, not only would it be convoluted and haphazard to implement, but would be fairly useless in the long run” and “what the fuck are you talking about — autonomous metadata collection is simple as shit and there’s no reason you need to prompt the user for information on every file they upload”. Thankfully I can bite my tongue during formal meetings.
It’s in informal environments where I can’t just shut up and end up bitching about the way things work. Most of the people around where I work kind of agree with me so it’s not too bad, but I have a feeling that I’m really going to screw up one of these days and someone’s going to get really pissed. Or everyone’s going to slowly but surely grow tired of my stupid fucking antics.
I just really hate bureaucratics.